Let’s get right to it. I think the most helpful Taylor Swift lyric is this:
“Honey, life is just a classroom.”
It is from “New Romantics” which actually isn’t one of my go to songs, but I say that line to my sweet little brain all time, usually with this addition:
“Honey, life is just a classroom, not a performance.”
I promise that the more you think about, the more soothing (and motivating!) this line is. Luckily, I’ve done the thinking for you! Here are a few ways seeing life as a classroom, not a performance, can be enormously helpful.
I don’t have to do everything right now.
Ya girl has a lot of dreams. One of my biggest ones right now is to be a group fitness instructor. I know that probably sounds like not a big deal to some of you, but I love group fitness classes.
In college, I signed up for a small group training class with an angel of a woman named Carissa. And I am not kidding when I say it changed my life. We did all sorts of exercise in that class—treadmill workouts, boxing, stairs, indoor cycling, machine weights, dumbbells, kettlebells. I learned so much about how to be comfortable in a gym and confident that I know how to exercise my body in a way that feels great!
And that gift from Carissa is something that keeps giving not just physically, but also emotionally and mentally in a huge way everyday. I find the fact that I don’t hate exercise one of my greatest superpowers.
And I really, really want to help other people have that superpower too. I want to teach yoga, High Fitness, cycling, weight training—you name it! I already have cycling playlists I’ve created for fun just sitting untouched on my Spotify. When I go to classes at my local gym I’m always thinking about what I like about what the teacher does, and often how I would do it better ;). I’ve looked up how to get certified and have almost signed up to do so many times.
But then I don’t. Why? Because I have a full-time job, social and familial responsibilities, and I gotta sleep and prepare food and clean and rest. But even knowing the perfectly valid reasons why I am not a group fitness teacher yet, I sometimes feel guilty about it. Like, come on, Em. This is your dream and you’re not doing it!! Step up! Reach for the stars! Live now! Go! Go! No regrets!
Now all of those exclamations could be very helpful at various points in life. We love a motivated girlie! But the thing is I am motivated and confident, I just don’t have time right now. This isn’t the season for that dream. So I find release from guilt by reminding myself: I don’t have to do everything right now. I am not a performer who must be able to do it all, all of the time in order to stay on top. I am a student in a classroom who is valued for what she is learning, not just for what she is doing.
Right now, I am managing editor for LDS Living, a wife to a very busy grad student husband, a family member, a church community member, and someone who values daily exercise, homemade meals, getting enough sleep, serving others, and having fun. And I am giving myself permission to be proud of that. I am not putting off living just because I can’t do everything all of the time.
“There comes a point where milestones can become millstones and ambitions, albatrosses around our necks.”
Honey, you don’t have to do everything right now in order to be doing everything you need to.
My goal isn’t to impress others.
The purpose of a performance is to entertain or impress others. Not that the performers don’t also find happiness and meaning in what they are doing, but without an audience they don’t have a job or a reason to do what they do.
But the purpose of a classroom is for you to learn and experience new things. You are doing it for you, so that you can experience the thrill of growth and hopefully be better suited to help other people.
I remind myself of this when I am catching up with a friend and they say something like, “So, what’s new?” Does anyone else feel their insides freeze up a little bit at that question? It’s like I am suddenly on a stage being asked to perform my latest trick or show my shiniest new sequin bodysuit.
But most of the time I don’t have new tricks or any sequins! And I’ve got to remember that that is OK.
As much as I might want to wow my friends with some exciting new update about my life, I don’t usually have some abundantly sparkly event or accomplishment to display. Life’s beauty is usually much quieter than that.
Maybe you appreciated a new tree at the park. Or realized something about forgiveness or love. Or smiled more at strangers or got your screen time average down a bit. Those things may not be getting published or promoted, but they are really precious learning moments. Arguably more precious than some flashy new update.
“Be thankful for all the small successes. … Like … forget-me-not [flowers], these successes may seem tiny to you and they may go unnoticed by others, but God notices them and they are not small to Him. If you consider success to be only the most perfect rose or dazzling orchid, you may miss some of life’s sweetest experiences.”
Honey, your life doesn’t need to seem impressive to others to be exactly as it should be.
I’m not late!
Another key element to a performance is timing. A performer is at risk of being late, early, and off beat through every minute of the show. As a former ballet dancer, I can appreciate how important it is to stay right on track with everyone else on stage. Perfect timing among dancers can create some serious beauty, but usually only in ballet.
In life, everyone’s pace is different—and that is beautiful! I am not late because my friend just announced her third baby and I’m still years away from that phase of life. I am not behind because other friends have been to 10 countries already. And I am not offbeat because how I choose to spend my time looks different than how others do.
Remembering I am in a classroom learning, not on a stage performing, gives me confidence that I am probably doing OK.
If you are, to whatever degree, trying new things (which could include being consistent at the same good things), feeling ever deepening emotions, and over all just trying, then you are succeeding! No trophies, ribbons, or standing ovations needed as evidence.
Honey, you are not late to life, but right on time. Right on beat. Just keep walking.
Cue Elder Uchtdorf one more time:
“God knows that some of the greatest souls who have ever lived are those who will never appear in the chronicles of history. They are the blessed, humble souls who emulate the Savior’s example and spend the days of their lives doing good.”
As you might’ve been able to tell, I recently took a deliciously satisfying deep dive into Elder Uchtdorf’s talks from about 2011 to 2015. Even just seeing the titles of his talks brought back spiritual memories of late high school and early college. All of these quotes are so life-shaping and happiness inducing for me!! I am grateful to share life’s classroom with Christ’s apostles and prophets.
And I am excited to share a classroom with all of you!! I think you all are amazing. No new tricks or sparkly sequin bodysuits required.
I hope you have a wonderful Holy Week!! I’ll be following this devotional guide to give this week the same sparkle that I always feel at Christmas. Wanna join? <3
How do your articles always say what I need to hear!?! 🤩🤩🤩